Enterprise Microsoft Access Migration Success - Help4Access Client Results

Customer Profile

Sector: Services
Industry: Consumer Services

The landscaping and snow removal company provides home and garden services to homes and businesses in the Chicagoland area. In addition to providing several types of landscaping services, they also provide snow removal services.

Business Situation

In order to process their work more efficiently, the company recently replaced their aging computers. Two separate billing systems were being used which were run on Microsoft Access 2.0. Microsoft Access 2.0 is an outdated, unsupported version of Access. The new PCs that were purchased ran Microsoft Access 2002. However, when the company attempted to use their billing systems, they would not work on the new version of Microsoft Access. Professional assistance was needed to get their billing systems functional so that they could process collections from their customers.


Access Database Conversion

An experienced Access Programmers Access developer went on site to the company’s office to meet with the Billing Department users and evaluate the scope of the problem. All of the technical issues were identified for both of their billing systems.

Report formatting was a major issue since all of the reports lost their spacing and text formatting. The company prints out their billing invoices on 3 piece carbon forms. With all of the formatting lost, bills could not be printed. All of the billing reports were analyzed and the spacing and formatting adjusted so that they were aligned correctly on the carbon forms.

In addition, the billing screens were also experiencing a few technical issues. The end result was that the programming code that produced the screens was updated to work error free with the new version of Access.

Once all of the issues were remedied, the systems were tested at great length to ensure that no further issues existed. As soon as the Access Programmers developer completed his work, billing operations was able to resume and the company was once again able to process billing.

Data Breach Assessment