Help4Access- a provider of world class database application development services, successfully develops a training management system for UCLA’s Labor Occupational Safety and Health (LOSH) Program

UCLA-LOSH, a nationally recognized center promoting safe workplaces through teaching and education, trains over 1,000 workers each year across the state of California including training initiatives for low-income, minority, immigrant and young workers. The constant proliferation of training programs across a number of regions were becoming difficult to manage, so UCLA-LOSH decided to implement a training management system that would enable them to track and report on program participation and certifications from a centralized system.

UCLA-LOSH turned to their trusted provider of custom software applications, Help4Access, to build a custom system to manage their training programs including the ability to store and report information on students, classes, certification and demographics using the Microsoft Access 2010 platform.

According to Sasha Froyland, Help4Access Founder and CEO, “UCLA-LOSH has a massive array of training programs across a large geographic area covering a broad range of demographics. Like many companies, they reached a point where their existing systems were unable to support their evolving business requirements. Microsoft Access is the fastest prototyping tool in the world and the perfect platform to build custom database applications rapidly and at a fraction of the price of other enterprise level solutions.”

Help4Access’s Engineering team hit the ground running and quickly turned UCLA-LOSH’s high-level business requirements, requiring hundreds of programming hours, into a high quality custom built training management system.

“We leveraged all our core competencies in our effort to complete this critical project for UCLA-LOSH” explains Sasha. “Our business analysts worked tightly with the UCLA-LOSH team and our Engineering team worked overtime to deliver a rock solid system customized to their unique requirements. ”

The Help4Access team developed a new MS Access database that was the core of the new system enabling UCLA-LOSH to store, track and report on training data that was critical to the success of their safe workplace programs. The custom training management system developed by Help4Access, enabled UCLA-LOSH to deploy a comprehensive management solution that provided the flexibility and control needed to effectively manage their expanding student enrollments, certifications and demographic markets

Sasha goes on to say “Custom built solutions using MS Access 2010 are cost-effective alternatives for public service organizations such as UCLA-LOSH. Custom software solutions developed by Help4Access on the Microsoft Access platform have the perfect balance of performance, low cost and low risk that all come together to deliver a very high rate of return.”

About Help4Access
Founded by Sasha Froyland, Help4Access has successfully completed over 800 custom database applications to companies that range in size from large Fortune 500 to small start up companies in every industry. Help4Access has been in business since 1994, is a Microsoft Certified Partner with a focused dedication to delivering Microsoft Access solutions and is uniquely capable of offering exceptionally deep world-class database consulting services to their customers. Help4Access’s highly experienced business analysts and engineering team are able to automate back-office tasks and reduce or eliminate an organization’s dependency of siloed data trapped in Excel spreadsheets. Help4Access continues to operate under the founding principals of growing their business one successful customer at a time.

Founded in 1978, LOSH is a nationally recognized center promoting safe workplaces through teaching and education, research, and policy advocacy. LOSH collaborates with workers, unions, community organizations, employers, academics, students, governmental representatives, and health professionals. Initiatives include health and safety training and education for low-income, minority, immigrant and young workers; public advocacy; and participation in industry-wide research relating to occupational and environmental health policy issues in California.

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