Help4Access- provider of world-class custom database application development solutions, delivers custom software extending AT&T’s CRM system with sales commission reconciliation tool

When AT&T, one of the worlds largest communication holding companies, wanted a system to reconcile estimated sales commissions with actual commission payments, they turned to their trusted provider of custom software applications, Help4Access, to build a Microsoft Access based system to extend their existing CRM System.

The system needed to integrate data elements from AT&T’s internal accounting systems with Salesforce data extracts in order to reconcile estimated versus actual sales commission payments and identify exceptions.

According to Sasha Froyland, Help4Access Founder and CEO, “Microsoft Access is the perfect tool to integrate internal Enterprise Systems with external SaaS applications such as Microsoft Access is the fastest prototyping tool in the world and delivers a working product in a fraction of the time required to develop a traditional enterprise level solution.”

Help4Access’s Engineering team hit the ground running quickly turning AT&T’s high-level business requirements, requiring hundreds of programming hours, into high quality, bug free, application code in much less time than it would have taken to develop a standalone in-house system.

Extracting project data directly from AT&T’s accounting system and application, the Help4Access team developed an MS Access database to enable the reconcilement of estimated sales commissions against the actual commissions paid, including the reports needed to identify payment exceptions.

“We leveraged all our core competencies to complete this critical project for AT&T. Our business analysts and Engineering team worked closely with AT&T to deliver a rock solid database application tightly integrated with their accounting and Salesforce systems,” explains Sasha. “And our extensive set of application templates enables us to deliver projects in less time and with fewer resources than any other application development company. Our agile project management and core code base make Help4Access the fastest database application development shop in the world.”

While many people think of MS Access as a standalone tool, it opens up a realm of possibilities when used to extend and integrate existing Enterprise Systems with SaaS application systems including:
· Unlocking critical data trapped in SaaS vendor silos
· Rapid prototyping of “what if” scenarios with minimal investment
· Faster time to market for add-on features and services
· Reduce back office time by automating manual processes
· Better resource utilization of Enterprise Systems engineers

Sasha sums it up by saying “Our use of MS Access to extend and integrate AT&T’s accounting and Salesforce systems illustrates the innovative ways that MS Access can be applied to solve business critical requirements for organizations of any size. Custom software solutions developed by Help4Access on the Microsoft Access platform have the perfect balance of performance, low cost and low risk that all come together to deliver a very high rate of return.”

About Help4Access
Founded by Sasha Froyland, Help4Access has successfully completed over 800 custom database applications to companies that range in size from large Fortune 500 to small start up companies in every industry. Help4Access has been in business since 1994, is a Microsoft Certified Partner with a focused dedication to delivering Microsoft Access solutions and is uniquely capable of offering exceptionally deep world-class database consulting services to their customers. Help4Access’s highly experienced business analysts and engineering team are able to automate back-office tasks and reduce or eliminate an organization’s dependency of siloed data trapped in Excel spreadsheets. Help4Access continues to operate under the founding principals of growing their business one successful customer at a time.

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