Help4Access- a provider of world-class professional Microsoft Access database solutions, successfully transitions an environmental building consulting company from Microsoft’s Office to the new cloud-based Office 365.

As a company dedicated to developing sustainable building and operation strategies for clients across the U.S, Environmental Building Strategies (EBS), based in San Francisco’s Financial district, knew that cloud computing was an important strategy in reducing a company’s overall carbon footprint by eliminating the servers, network equipment and cooling systems required to run traditional desktop systems.

With Microsoft’s recent release of the cloud-based Office 365, EBS knew it was the perfect opportunity to transition their internal MS Office suite to the cloud, so they called on Help4Access to assist with the migration.

“Office 365 brings the world’s most popular business productivity and collaboration tools to the cloud and delivers them as a cost-effective subscription service with the appropriate layers of security, reliability and compliance,” explains Sasha Froyland, Help4Access Founder and CEO. “Of course as a cloud-based system, Office 365 is the perfect solution for EBS’s green approach to IT management and operations.”

With offices in San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York and Colorado, the migration to Office 365 was not only a green solution for EBS, but it also provided a significant ROI by substantially reducing the licensing costs and demands on IT.

And Froyland is quick to point out “Our migration service not only simplifies the transition process and reduces risk for companies such as EBS, but we also help our customers understand and leverage the full potential of Office 365.”

Migrating to the cloud-based Office 365 is the perfect time for companies to reassess their overall work flow while looking for opportunities for improvement, so it’s important for companies to understand the capabilities of the new Office 365 applications.

As part of Help4Access’s Office 365 Migration Service, they also provide a custom database platform to further reduce operation costs by automating and streamlining back-office tasks.

“Our database platform enables companies to rapidly implement new and streamlined processes in conjunction with the powerful new features available in Office 365,” Froyland goes on to say. “And in the case of EBS, this resulted in reduced operating costs, greater productivity and even lower carbon footprints as IT and back-office processes became more efficient!”

As an authorized reseller, Help4Access will be offering Office 365 at a discount to their customers for a limited time as part of their overall Migration Services.

About Help4Access

Founded by Sasha Froyland, Help4Access has successfully completed over 800 custom database applications to companies that range in size from large Fortune 500 to small start up companies in every industry. Help4Access has been in business since 1994, is a Microsoft Certified Partner with a focused dedication to delivering Microsoft Access solutions and is uniquely capable of offering exceptional  database consulting services to their customers. Help4Access’s highly experienced business analysts and engineering team are able to automate back-office tasks and reduce or eliminate an organization’s dependency of siloed data trapped in Excel spreadsheets. Help4Access continues to operate under the founding principals of growing their business one successful customer at a time.

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